I was given an unfinished birdhouse by a friend and immediately saw it as an old haunted house. The angled roof and the narrow base of the house felt like the perfect silhouette. I started by painting the house a dark charcoal grey, then I added details with a black posca paint pen and white acrylic paint. The base was a stray piece of wood that I covered in green craft sand. The extra additions such as the pumpkin, the walkway, the fence, the wreath, and even the clown were random craft materials I found in my stash and decided to give a new life. Specifically, the clown which started out as gnome figurine until I painted it to mimic my 2022 Halloween costume. This haunted birdhouse was completed by drilling a small hole into the back panel and feeding in a string of warm white lights to glow through the opening on the front.

This piece went through many phases before it ended up as this finished product. Not to mention the life it had before it ever came to be in my possession. When I received this birdhouse it was painted red and still had pencil lines from whatever the original design plan was.

When I began working on the house, I initially painted it black and used gold and white paint pens to draw on details that I decided later on, did not truly fit the vision I had in my head. So I simply repainted it, found some new inspiration, some new materials, and ended up with the not so scary but still definitely haunted house you see here.
Dimensions: N/A
Mediums: Acrylic Paint, Craft Sand, Misc. Craft Materials
Sale Status: For Sale
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