Cheesecake was inspired by the color pallet of a piece of cheesecake I enjoyed one random Thursday evening. The stark contrast between the vanilla colored cake and the chocolate sauce I drizzled on top paired with the silver fork seemed very picturesque to me. I had been focusing on my monochromatic color aid paintings at the time and could picture this image on top of a deep chocolatey brown background.

While I did not initially intend to make all these monochromatic paintings about food, I have found a lot of inspiration from the simple imagery and color schemes of a lot of food items. Both Gummy Sharks and Valentine’s Candy were ideas I had in my head and found references for online. The more I continue with this series of paintings, the more references I acquire in my real life, finding inspiration from simple things I enjoy.
Dimensions: 4.5×6 inches
Mediums: Acrylic Paint
Sale Status: For Sale
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